In 1982, was signed an agreement for the twinning of Fez and Jerusalem in Palestine. Morocco issued a postage stamp on this occasion.
Morocco 1984: Twinning of Fez & Jerusalem (YT-961)
In the context of strengthening the relationship between the two cities, the Municipal Council of Fez decided in May 2019 to organize an annual cultural week for Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem). The Municipal Council also decided another set of steps to support the city of Jerusalem, including:
Dispatching students from Al-Quds Al-Sharif to qualify and train Moroccan crafts professions in specialized institutes and schools in Fez.
Exchange visits and host youth and cultural activities between the twin cities
Provide support to Jerusalem students who wish to study in the universities, institutes and colleges of the city of Fez,
and support small projects that can be implemented in Al-Quds Al-Sharif.
The Moroccan Post issued this stamp in 1984 to commemorate this relationship between the two city.