The World In Stamps

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The nucleus of pan African cooperation – Morocco 1962

Mohammed V and Map of Africa 1
Stamp commemorating Casablanca Charter (YT – 427)

From 4 to 7 January 1961, at the invitation of King Mohammed V of Morocco, a meeting was convened in Casablanca, gathering representatives of a number of African countries, to discuss the political, economic and social conditions of Africa that had begun to emerge from colonialism.This gathering was called “Africa Poles Conference”. The conference resulted in a the ” Casablanca charter” that will set the first nucleus of pan African cooperation.

The meeting was attended by leaders and representatives of seven African countries: Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser of the United Arab Republic, the revolutionary leader and President of Ghana Kwame Nkrumah, President of Mali Madibo Kita, President of Guinea Conakry Ahmed Sékou Touré, Farhat Abbas, representing the interim government of the Algerian National Liberation Front And Abdul Qadir Allam, representative of King Libya Idris I.

Mohammed V and Map of Africa 2
Stamp commemorating Casablanca Charter (YT – 428)

This meeting resulted in the adoption of the Casablanca Charter, as a framework for joint action to achieve the African goals of building national systems that are free from colonial domination and able to fight illiteracy and poverty and achieve economic development for the benefit of African peoples. The document called for the adoption of a non-aligned policy.

The Casablanca charter is considered one of the first signs for a joint African action before the creation of the Organization of African Unity.

King Mohammed V passed away on 26 February 1961, less than two months after the conference.
The Moroccan post administration issued two stamps in 1962 to commemorate this conference and the adopted charter. The stamps are featured with picture of king Mohammed V and the map of Africa showing the capitals of the countries that attended the conference. 

Catalog Yvert & Tellier: 427 & 428

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