The World In Stamps

A journey in a stamps collection

Maghzen postage seals – Ksar El Kebir : Morocco 2001

For many years, the Post Office in Morocco issued a series of commemorative stamps for the Maghzen seals which were used to send mail in the late 19th century before the adoption of modern postage stamps. 

Morocco 2001 - Sherifian Hand Stamps
Morocco 2001 – Sherifian Hand Stamps

On the stamp day of the year 2001, two postage stamps bearing the stamp of the city of Al Qasr Al-Kabir (or Ksar-El-Kebir) in the north of the Kingdom were issued. These seals were in use in 1892 AD corresponding to the year 1310 AH.

Morocco 2001 - Sherifian Hand Stamps
Morocco 2001 – Sherifian Hand Stamps

The city of Ksar-El_Kebir is known for being the location of the historic battle of Alcácer Quibir (Battle of  Wadi-Al-Makhazin in Arabic). This battle took place in 1578 between the invading christian armies let by the King Sebatian of Portugal and the Moroccan armies let by King Adb Al Malik AlSaadi. The battle ended with a total defeat of the invading portugese army and the death of King Sebatian, and almot the whole portugese nobility. This battle resulted in a the Portuguese succession crisis of 1580, and the acceptance of king Philip II of Spain as king of Portugal.

In the modern history, the city of Ksar-El-Kebir was occupied by Spanish troops at the beginning of the 20th century and remained part of the Spanish protectorate in Morocco, that had Tetuan as capital, until the indepedence of the country in 1956.


Stamps worth 2.5 dirhams and 6.5 dirhams.

Pictures of the First Day Covers of this issue.

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