The World In Stamps

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Tetuan under Spanish protectorate: 1928

In 1928, the postal services in the northern parts of Morocco, under Spanish protectorate, issued stamps with view of the city of Tetouan, Chaouen an Al-Hoceima. 

The northern part of Morocco, also known as Spanish Morocco, came under spanish domination after the franco-spanish treaty of November 1912. The capital of this zone was established in the City of Tetuan. 

The city of Tetuan is located about six kilometes east of the miditeraean sea. It is also called the white dove because of its white houses that rise from the valley at the foot of two mountains with a view that resembles the shape of a dove

Ancient History of Tetuan

The area of Tetuan was inhabited since prehistory. The Phoenicians had already established a trading post at the mouth of the Oued Martil around 600 BC. A prosperous  Amazigh  city named Tamuda was establish by few kilometers south west of the current city of Tetuan Around 200 BC. This city was destroyed by the Roman in the first half of the first century B.C. A Roman fortress was built in the middle of the demolished city and remained active until the fifth century.

Tetuan on a stamp of Spanish Morocco
Tetuan on a stamp of Spanish Morocco 1928 – YT145

The foundations of the modern city of Tetuan were established around 1 Muharram 708 h (June 21, 1308) under the order of Sultan Abu Thabit Amir of Bani Marine. It is used as a base to attack the city of Sebta (Ceuta) then occupied by the Nasrids of the kingdom of Granada. 

The occupation of the city of Sebta (Ceuta) by the Portuguese in 1415, then the main city in northern Morocco, gave Tetuan a strategic role as the principal base for military campaigns against the invaders. The city also to serve as the main port towards the Mediterranean Sea.

The city will receive tens of thousands of Muslims and Jews expelled from Andalusia during the Spanish reconquista. It will preserve the different aspects of Andalus heritage and is today the most Andalusian city in Morocco.

The architecture and art of the medina (old city) of Tetuan testify to the strong Andalusian influences to such an extent that the city is still nicknamed today “the daughter of Granada”. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Modern History of Tetuan

In the nineteenth century, during the Hispano-Moroccan war (1859-1860), the city of Tetuan was occupied by the spanish troups between 1960 and 1962. The sultanat of Morocco conceded to pay 100 million spanish pesetas and to cede the territory of Ifni to Spain in order to get the Tetuan liberated.
After the establishment of the Spanish protectorate zone in the north of Morocco, Tetuan was elected as the residence of the vice-king (Khalif of the Sultan) of Morocco who was considered the highest religious and legislative authority. The city was also the capital of the spanish administration. The High Spanish Commissioner represented the spanish government and detained the real power in the region.
Tetuan was the capital of the north of Morocco from1912 until the independance and unification of the country in 1956. 
After the independance, the influence of Teuan declined in favor of its western sister Tangier
Under the reign of King Mohammad VI, the city and its region noticed a very important urban and economic development, with the establishment of many touristic resort and the development of the small cities around Tetuan such as MartilMdiq or Fnideq.
Today, Tetuan a has more than 400 thousand inhabitatnts.

Reference: Yvert & Tellier # 145

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