The World In Stamps

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Second Palestinian Intifada in 2000

The israeli aggression against the islamic and christian holy sites in Jerusalem caused the start of the second Palestinian intifada in 2000. The second intifada erupted, after Ariel Sharon stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque. It continued until 2005, interspersed with numerous confrontations between Palestinian civilians and the Israeli occupation forces.

The second palestinian Intifada in 2000
Sheet of the second palestinian Intifada in 2000

The Republic of Iraq issued a postal sheet entitled “Intifada until liberation” that commemorates the image of the martyr Faris Odeh (1985-2000), who intercepted a convoy of Israeli tanks with stones.

Year of Issue: 2001

Value: 250 dinars

Size: 88mm x 67mm

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