The World In Stamps

A journey in a stamps collection

The Palestinian Intifada – Sudan 2001

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The martyr child Mohammed Al-Durrah (1988-2000) and his father Jamal
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In support of the Palestinian Intifada
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Sudanese Stamps in support of the Palestinan Intifada

The second Palestinian Intifada erupted in 2000 after Ariel Sharon’s provocative visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and continued until 2005. During this popular uprising, numerous confrontations happened between Palestinian civilians and the Israeli occupation forces.

In 2002, the Sudan issued a set of three stamps entitled “The blood of the martyrs embodying the path of liberation”. The stamps featured the image of the martyr child Mohammed Al-Durrah (1988-2000) and his father Jamal. The child and his father were exposed to a hail of bullets from the occupation soldiers in the Gaza Strip in front of the cameras of the second French TV channel at the beginning of the second intifada In September 2000.

Other arab countries issued stamps in support of the Palestinian Intifada in the same period.

Publication year: 2002

Value: 100, 150, 200 dinars


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