The World In Stamps

A journey in a stamps collection

Palestinian Freedom Fighters: Kuwait 1970

In March 1970, the state of Kuwait issued a series of three stamps honoring the Palestinian Freedom Fighters.

Palestinian Freedom Fighters in Jerusalem - Kuwait 1970 - YT 466
Palestinian Freedom Fighters in Jerusalem – Kuwait 1970 – YT 466
Palestinian Freedom Fighters in Jerusalem - Kuwait 1970 - YT 467
Palestinian Fighters in Jerusalem – Kuwait 1970 – YT 467
Palestinian Freedom Fighters in Jerusalem - Kuwait 1970 - YT 468
Palestinian Fighters in Jerusalem – Kuwait 1970 – YT 468

In the 1970s and 1980s  palestinians commandos carried attacks against the israeli occupation forces in the palestinian territories occupied by the israeli army in the 6 days war of June 1967. In 1987, the Palestinian population under Israeli occupation started a started a general popular uprising (or Intifada in Arabic).

The three stamps show palestinian fighters with the dome of the rock in the Aqsa mosque of Jerusalem in the backgroud.

YT: 466-468 

Scott: 492-494 (A103) –  

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